Guest Book

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78 entries.
Linda churi from Yorkton wrote on November 5, 2024 at 8:46 PM
Thank you for the Rush Hour devotion, it is very inspiring, as well as the music and the ministries!
Admin Reply by: Mark
Hi Linda, thank you for your feedback!

We are encouraged to hear that you are inspired, and that you enjoy the music and ministry of Lighthouse FM.

God bless!
Mark W.
Linda churi from Yorkton wrote on November 5, 2024 at 8:43 PM
Good evening, could I get prayer for my sister Rose? She was rushed to hospital. She could not breathe, and they put her on oxygen. Yesterday her breathing and blood pressure were very low. I know that Jesus will heal her, He is the mighty Physician and that it will be a testimony to my sister, Rose. Thank you, and God bless.
Admin Reply by: Mark
Hi Linda,

So sorry to hear this about Rose! We will pray on her behalf, and will place this request to our Prayer Line for our prayer warriors to also pray for her.

Thanks for sharing this request with us, and keep believing that there is power in prayer!

God bless you and Rose.

Mark W.
Matthew Rasch from Grand falls windsor wrote on November 5, 2024 at 3:42 PM
Hey guys 🙂 just want to give a shout out to an awesome radio station Lighthouse FM, my awesome Pastor Enrique and the staff of Lighthouse FM and not to mention the ones who make this all possible... God and the donors and the prayer warriors 🙂
Admin Reply by: Mark
Thank you, Matthew for your kind words! We're really happy that you're enjoying the station!

God bless,
Mark W.
Terry Rideout from Embree wrote on November 3, 2024 at 4:52 PM
I last made an entry in February 2018. Time passes so quickly. Thank you VOAR. Mark, Sherry, Luis and all the other workers for all you do bringing this awesome radio station to us. I love all the programs... In Touch, Focus on the Family, Faith Out Loud Canada, Adventures in Odyssey, Request show with Luis each day. Had the great previlege of meeting Luis in Botwood this year. What a blessing! Luis always has so many good nuggets to pass unto us each day between the songs of the Request show. He is also a great preacher and singer. God has given him so much talent. Thank you VOAR. When I bring in or take a car out of the garage where I help out I make sure it's set on VOAR.
Admin Reply by: Mark
Hi Terry, we're so happy you stopped by our website to share your enthusiasm for the station and its ministry! May God bless you abundantly!

Mark W.
Dale Soper from North West Brook wrote on October 25, 2024 at 10:12 AM
New beginnings for me.
Admin Reply by: Mark
Hi Dale, thanks for stopping by our website! We hope you are enjoying the music and ministry of Lighthouse FM.

God bless!
Jenny Yong from Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia wrote on April 2, 2024 at 3:53 AM
Thank you for your service.
Love that your music and songs are uplifting.
Admin Reply by: Mark
Thanks for reaching out to us, it's good to hear from someone in Malaysia! We're glad you are enjoying the ministry, Jenny!

God bless,
Mark W.
Linda from Yorkton sk wrote on July 30, 2023 at 10:54 AM
Good morning! Thank you for the service yesterday, it was a wonderful and encouraging message. To the gentleman who preached the sermon, thank you!
Linda from Melville sk wrote on June 7, 2023 at 2:04 PM
Hello, I want to thank you for your radio station, it is wonderful and encouraging.

I enjoy the music and the ministry. Keep sharing the good news!
Tiffany Fairweather-McLennon from Kingston, Jamaica W.I. wrote on June 6, 2023 at 11:54 AM
Hi, I am Tiffany from the island of Jamaica. Listening to this station over 15 years now. Found it in my searching the Internet. I listen while I am at work all day, every day. Enjoy every minute of it.
Admin Reply by: Mark
Hi Tiffany, glad to hear you are enjoying the music and ministry!

God bless,
Mark W.
Luis Capote from Mount Pearl wrote on June 6, 2023 at 9:58 AM
Thank you for all your comments. May God bless you today. I look forward to all the new friends leaving new messages in this guest book.
David White from Baldwinsville, NY. wrote on October 24, 2022 at 7:32 AM
Found you and prayed for you this morning.
Admin Reply by: Mark
Hi, David!

We're so glad you found our station! We hope you will be blessed by the music and ministry.

Thank you for your prayers, we certainly need and appreciate them.

Mark W.
Nila Andrews from New Hazelton wrote on March 14, 2020 at 6:05 PM
Hi to all Lighthouse FM staff,

I happened to find your radio station just two months ago, since then I have been listening to the programs and enjoying them every day as I have more time to hear most of the gospel songs being played as I'm a widow and live alone.

Keep up the good work!

I am a long-time Christian, living in this small town of the Northwest region of British Columbia.
Admin Reply by: Mark
Hello, and thank you for your message!

We are happy to hear from you, and pleased that you are enjoying our broadcast all the way from British Columbia!

God bless,
Mark W.
Marcy Beauchamp from Kamloops BC wrote on March 3, 2020 at 1:20 AM
I am a practising Catholic Christian who has been so blessed by VOAR broadcasts. Thank you to the Kamloops Seventh-day Adventist Church for advertising VOAR on their message board. I love the variety of music and programs you offer. It is truly amazing to have such strong Christian brothers and sisters in this world. Keep up the good work and God Bless!
Admin Reply by: Mark
Hi, thank you for your kind words, and we hope you will continue to enjoy the programming!

Mark W.
Daryl Arychuk from Salmon Arm, BC wrote on February 4, 2020 at 1:46 PM
I love listening to the new Lighthouse on VOAR. We will soon be moving into Salmon Arm, where our signal will hopefully reach us from Kamloops. I would ask if you would consider playing some music of City Alight. Only a Holy God, and Yet Not I But Through Christ in Me. Also possibly King of Kings by Brooke at Hillsong. Thank you so much for the encouraging song and short talks I hear on Insight for Living, and I love the Adventures in Odyssey when I get the chance to hear them. Keep up the good work. Praise be to our Lord and Saviour as you continue on in His work!
Admin Reply by: Mark
Thank you, Daryl for your encouraging words!

God bless,
Mark W.
Tanisha Clarke from Montego Bay Jamaica wrote on November 23, 2019 at 1:15 PM
Hi, my name is Tanisha and I Iove your radio station. It is truly a blessing. I am listening all the way from Montego Bay, Jamaica. Keep up the good work!
Admin Reply by: Mark
Thank you for listening to VOAR from Jamaica! May you be encouraged through the music and ministry.

Mark W.
Elvis and Susan Hemeon from Carleton Plce, Ontario wrote on November 6, 2019 at 8:35 PM
In our home, VOAR takes the everyday clutter of life and simplifies it in beautiful music and message. My wife and I have it on all simple and so soothing for the heart and soul. Keep up the great work and God bless the whole VOAR team 🙂
Admin Reply by: Mark
We are so happy to hear from you, thank you for your message! Please keep enjoying the music and ministry, and may it help you draw closer to the Lord.

God bless,
Mark W.
Kayward from Central Nl wrote on November 5, 2019 at 10:29 PM
I work at an auto dealer and folks always know when I was the last one in a vehicle because VOAR is always my station of choice. This station is awesome and only eternity will determine the far-reaching Kingdom work that VOAR has done over all these years. Keep up this amazing ministry.
Admin Reply by: Mark
We are so happy you are enjoying this radio ministry! And thank you for helping promote VOAR to you said, we can't tell yet how many lives God can touch using VOAR, and we consider it an honour to be a part of it.

God bless,
Mark W.
Janine Davidge from St. John's wrote on November 5, 2019 at 7:45 AM
Can't possibly say enough about this station! I made a decision about 3 or 4 years ago to switch over to listening to VOAR instead of other local but non-Christian stations. I figured it would help keep me focused on and build up my spirit in Christ. Well, it has been so influential. I don't think people realize how much God can do to bless you during a jot over to the convenience store or a morning drive to work through Christian radio. A couple of minutes, one song, one word, one thought, one idea can truly change the course of a life. It can change someone's very destiny! There have been too many instances to share that God has used this station to encourage, exhort, correct and bless me. Truly! I could go on forever. Some of my favorites are: Charles Stanley, David Jamieson's sermons, and pretty much anything by Trudy Morgan-Cole and her husband, Jason Cole. Enjoy these every time I hear. Jamieson just happens to be on right at the time I'm driving home from work. Just wonderful! God bless you all, God bless your ministry! Thank you for letting God use you to bless and build up the Body of Christ. I am eternally grateful!
Admin Reply by: Mark
Wow! Thank you so much for your encouraging words! This really makes our day, and we hope VOAR will continue to be an inspiration to you and all our listeners. Praise the Lord!

God bless,
Mark W.
Karen Eveleigh from Badger wrote on October 27, 2019 at 1:08 PM
Thank you for this Christian radio station. I enjoy this radio station while I'm driving. I enjoy every aspect of this station. Keep up the good work!!
Admin Reply by: Mark
Thank you for the encouragement! We are happy you are enjoying the station.

Mark W.
Valerie Venco from Kamloops wrote on October 20, 2019 at 10:23 PM
Hello from BC interior!

It's been a fantastic blessing to be able to listen to VOAR in Kamloops, BC during my many daily commutes to work situations. I especially enjoy the inspiring testimonies and challenges shared from Focus on the Family morning hours. The Lord has used VOAR programs at crucial times in my life when I needed to hear His truth.

Keep on keeping on, VOAR.

God Bless.
Admin Reply by: Mark
Thanks for writing, your testimony is an encouragement to us!

Mark W.